onsdag 30 januari 2013

Daniel Answer A Fans Questions

A fan of my movie blog send me a few questions on facebook, so i thought i should answer them.

1. How did you come up with the title to your movie review page ?

Good question, actually i borrowed some influences from a South Park episode, where Cartman and his friends did a School News tv programme called Super Sexy Action News.  As i had plans of making a movie review page, i thought to myself, i have to have a title that makes no sense at all. Because honestly, there is nothing sexy about my movie reviews, that´s why it fit perfect to my style of a movie review page, nothing needs to make any sense at all.

2. You write in a special way, not afraid to say what you think, are you afraid someone might see this offensive personally ?

Not at all, the only time i had someone angry at me was when i posted my Twilight reviews, some fans did not appreciate my words, but i honestly dont care. If i am going to write what i think, i do that, and its not personal against anyone who enjoys those movies. Movie reviews are supposed to be written by your own mind, what you feel and think. Otherwise it wont be a personal movie reviews page.

3. Have you ever thought about working as a movie reviewer for a news paper or a magazine ?

It would be fun, but then i would have to write more elegant than i do now. I don´t think they would be so happy of my style, since i don´t always use nice words. But if i had the chance, i would try it, if someone did like my movie reviews

Thank you so much for these questions. I am not going to say who you are for personal reasons, but if anyone out there wish to ask me more, just send me questions, or even comment if you wish.

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