In an alternate near future, an underground fight club and criminal organization known as Skizm achieved massive popularity by live-streaming real death matches between criminals and psychos. Ordinary computer programmer Miles Lee Harris ( Daniel Radcliffe ), who gets his kick by trolling online trolls, log into Skizm´s forum to insult viewers who turn murder into entertainment. Riktor ( Ned Dennehy ), the criminal kingpin and psychopath who runs Skizm, breaks into Miles appartment with the henchmen Dane ( Mark Rowley ), Effie ( Racheal Ofori ) and Fuckface ( Set Sjöstrand ). After being beaten and drugged, Miles wakes up to find guns bloodily bolted into his both hands. Miles learns that he has been forced to participate in Skizm by being pitted against Nix ( Samara Weaving ), the game´s deadliest and craziest killer. Nix wants out of Skizm, but not until she finish her last opponent, Miles. This day may have started really bad for Miles, and it´s just about to get even worse.
If you have missed a film that would bring Hard Target into a more modern world, then Guns Akimbo might be the film you have been looking for. This film is filled with shootings, violence, and game influences, that you will be cheering for yourself for quite some time in your living room. It almost feels like this film has been inspired by Hard Target, since you see the actual film playing on a TV screen in the appartment of lead character Miles, played by English actor Daniel Radcliffe. It is nice to see Harry Potter actor Radcliffe do a completely different movie than we are used to see him in. He have done a lot of different kinds of films over the years, since Harry Potter. But i will say that this is the first time i see him do an action comedy like this with much more violence. I have to say that Radcliffe handle his performance well and becomes something of a nerd hero, who clearly don´t feel comfortable having 2 guns drilled into his hands ( must be hard to have something to eat ). Australian actress Samara Weaving ( who is really good in the horror comedy Ready Or Not ) plays the bad ass character Nix, the woman you want to take on a date, and i guarantee you will have a great time. She loves big guns, kicking ass and explosions as well, so this is the perfect example of how a great date should look like. Samara manage to balance her character with a great sense of humour, and also make her look very rough, and i love her sexy look as well. Actor Ned Dennehy as the insane character Riktor, is the perfect mix of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior character Wez and Bullseye in the Daredevil film from 2003. Director Rhys Darby have found a way to combine video game influences with a pure action feast, in a very good looking way that we are not used to see these days. If you love video games, and Jean-Claude Van Damme´s classic Hard Target, then you are going to have a hell of a good time with Guns Akimbo. Pick up a DVD or Blu Ray of this film, and you can´t get a better pocorn night than this at home.
Rating: DDDD
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