måndag 6 maj 2024


The internet can be a wonderful escape from reality, no matter if you are talking to people online or if you comment on events that happened worldwide. The internet can give you a break from the ordinary day stressed life most of us experience every single week. Like if you go inside a chat room regarding sports, music, movies, no matter what the subjet is you can set your mind into something different. I remember back in the late 90´s i used to go to Aftonbladet chat room, a Swedish chat room for Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and talk to people all across Sweden. It was basically a way to just kill some time on a boring Sunday, while i would discover if there were other swedes who had similar taste in movies such as myself. I remember that there was one woman i talked to there called Anna and she was about the same age as myself that year. She happened to love James Bond films so we talked about our favourite films in this franchise. I do remember she mentioned Goldfinger with Sean Connery was her favourite while she really loved The Spy Who Loved Me with Roger Moore. We never met in real life or anything it was just a long conversation about movies. I did go back some other weekends and sometimes she would be online as well. So i will always remember Anna from the 90´s as my chat room friend who also loved movies. With technology that have improved so much through the internet since the 90´s it seems that everything seems to becoming much more simple these days. You can connect easily worldwide, you don´t even have to use the mobile phone to make calls anymore you can just Skype instead or use other apps. But what if you made a call on your computer with friends online that suddenly becomes a nightmare? That´s one of the details in the internet inspired horror films known as Unfriended from director Levan Gabriadze. What made Unfriended a bit unique from other horror films around the time this film came out in 2014, was the fact that Unfriended used social media as a platform for the horror scenes. The result was actually surprisingly good and effective. Not a horror film for everyone but if you want to experience something different in the horror genre i would say director Levan Gabriadze´s film is worth checking out. Speaking of the internet i heard about an anthology horror film called Creepypasta where different stories were taken from online and made things happen in real life. The concept sounded interesting since Unfriended i mentioned earlier used the internet as well as ground material for a horror story. Is this anthology horror film definetely worth a watch or is Creepypasta doomed to be forgotten just like John Lydon´s extremely horrible 1997 pop solo album Psycho´s Path?

Trapped in an abandoned house, a nameless man desperately searches for clues how he got there. The answer his hidden within a series of disturbing viral videos - each of which begins to infect his mind

Before i watched Creepypasta i had only seen a poster of this film, i didn´t even watch the trailer or read much about the plot just to come into this film with an open mind. This is the kind of anthology horror film that does not only have a few short stories but more stories than usual. In fact, i am surprised of how many different evil characters we have in each short story and it is quite a big variation of creature designs. You don´t see a lot of that in some anthology horror films, usually it might only be creature designs in 2 stories out of 5 stories. Nothing wrong with that as long as the film is good, but i do appreciate when i feel they made an effort to really make the stories more fun for a true fan of horror films. When it comes to the short stories themselves they vary a lot when it comes to which ones that are good and if some of them are not that good. In general i would say each short story have something to bring to the table, but some of them are not as effective from a horror perspective. My favourite short horror story in Creepypasta is the old lady carrying a oxygene tube to be able to breath as she sees an evil child with black baloons. This child have completey black eyes so i really think they did a good job on this specific story, capturing the creepy atmosphere regarding this child with black eyes. On the negative side i would probably say that i feel there is not really any plot in any of the short stories, at least not enough to make the stories makes much sense. So what helps Creepypasta work is the evil characters and especially the fact that they made a good job on the design of these creatures. Since there are so many characters i think the acting in general is ok, if you can accept some generic performances. Of the 8 directors who worked on this film i would say at least 5 of their stories were good, while 3 of them turned out to be a bit weaker. Still, i enjoy Creepypasta as an athology horror film and if you are a fan of similar films like this i have a feeling you might enjoy this one. Creepypasta proves that you can actually make fun short stories on a limited budget.

Rating: DDD

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