lördag 13 juli 2024

Road Wars: Max Fury

Say what you want about the well known film production company The Asylum but i happen to enjoy several of their films from the past. There are some really terrible ones i can admit that, but sometimes we get some fun releases that you know are going to be bad but in a entertaining way. I think by now alot of my readers over the years know how much i love the Sharknado franchise by The Asylum so let´t not talk about these films. Because if i start talking about my love for this franchise i will never stop, so i try to avoid it so you don´t think im insane. Instead i would like to take this moment to tell you what The Asylum film you should pick up on DVD that´s a personal favourite. The film i especially have in mind is the B horror movie known as Empire Of The Sharks from director Mark Atkins. This is a fun B movie shark film where it feels like a shark version of Waterworld combined with Mad Max. I also enjoyed a similar fim that director Mark Atkins also made called Planet Of The Sharks. Both films are worth checking out if you just want to enjoy fun shark movies. Speaking of director Mark Atkins he is very familiar with directing The Asylum films. Some of them are alright while some of the other ones could have been better. One of his films we may not hear much about these days is the apocalyptic action film known as Road Wars. This is kind a film clearly inspired by Mad Max on a very low budget but also combined a zombie ( or a vampire? ) story. I didn´t mind Road Wars for what it was trying to do, tell a simple story on survival out in the desert and it didn´t matter if you could tell the budget was limited. I liked the car design and i didn´t mind the costume design either. It´s probably not a film i would recommend over any Mad Max film but if you enjoy desert movies and especially low budget action films then you might enjoy this one. I had no idea that a sequel was coming out but i guess they wanted to time it well into the release of Furiosa: A Mad Max Story. So here we are with the sequel known as Road Wars: Max Fury a film directed by the same director as the first film. Is this sequel even better than the original film or is this a film no one will most likely remember after watching it?

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, two sisters Naomi ( Chandni Shah ) and Greta ( Preet Kaur ) leave their stronghold to get medicine for their wounded mother Sarah ( Lindsey Marie Wilson ). Armed with limited ammo in an old car they head out into the wasteland to get the medicine they need.

If you expected this sequel to be the same as the 2015 film Road Wars i can tell you right now this film follows a similar pattern, with some differences of course. One big difference is that this sequel doesn´t have anything similar to zombies or vampires this time, and feels more like a rip off from the Mad Max franchise. Now, i am going to be completely honest. What made Road Wars function back in 2015 was thanks to having these so called zombie vampires included, because without them the film would not been that fun to watch. This sequel skip that part completely and tries to do a more traditional Mad Max similar story with a lot of desert scenes. If they would have made the action scenes well this could have worked, unfortunately this film doesn´t really try to do anything exciting with the action scenes and just make everything as predictable as possible. You can make a great action film set in the desert if you use the right tools and also include cool characters. Unfortunately this is one of the problems i see with this film, especially if we are talking about characters. Even if some of them have cool weapons and do act in battle scenes the character development isn´t very good. If you would have asked me:- Hey Daniel what characters from Road Wars: Max Fury did you enjoy? i probably would have answered:- Well, maybe two out of 10 characters. And when you have that many characters and can´t make the other ones work you do have a problem. So let´s get into the two characters i do feel work and let us begin with legendary actor Vernon Wells ( The Road Warrior, Commando ), playing the evil character Shane. Even if he doesn´t do any real physical action scenes ( which is completely fine ) you can tell Vernon at least deliver dialogue that matches his character. Actress Lindey Marie Wilson as the character Sarah is the coolest chick in this film with her airbow. How are the action scenes? Pretty much what you could expect from a low budget film like this. I think the biggest problem for me outside of the characters is that the story regarding survival doesn´t feel as dangerous as the first film did, that film at least showed a threat on a different level. Road Wars: Max Fury could have been a fun mockbuster of Mad Max if they improved some details and we are left with another The Asylum film that i am pretty sure won´t be remembered. Director Mark Atkins have made some fun The Asylum films in the past but i feel he missed the mark with this one. See this film if you enjoyed the first Road Wars movie but it´s nowhere near as good as any of the Mad Max films.

Rating: DD

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