tisdag 3 september 2024

In A Violent Nature

There are those who are very sensitive to video violence and i am definetely not one of them. When you grew up like me looking for uncut VHS horror films like i did in the early 90´s you discovered a lot of really violent horror films, especially when i ordered them uncut from England at that time ( Sweden was still censoring VHS films ). It didn´t really matter how brutal some film was, the more brutality the more happy i was almost like it was Christmas Eve. My school friend Anders had a catalogue from a VHS seller in England and i used to sit in his home reading through all the horror releases. I remember how happy i was getting my very first VHS tape of Day Of The Dead uncut and The Return Of The Living Dead. I was really crazy about zombie films back in those days and even if i really do appreciate this genre still today, it´s getting hard to find certain gems since i have seen all the big classics and a lot of B movies as well. Whenever i hear about violent horror films i am always interested checking out if the titles are interesting. For example let´s go back to the year of 2008 when French horror Martyrs surprised me from director Pascal Laugier which is sort of a revenge horror film where a woman known as Lucie ( played by actress Myléne Jampanoi ) vows to destroy those who kept her captive and chained up in a cold, dark warehouse when she was younger. If you don´t like lots of gore or so called extreme cinema this is definetely not for you. But i am personally a big fan of this French film and i would highly recommend it, especially get the blu ray release from distribution company Umbrella Entertainment. I know there is a 2015 remake of Martyrs and i have chosen not to see it, simply because a lot of people have said it´s nowhere near as good as the original French film from 2008. Speaking of violent during spring time this year i heard of an independent horror film called In A Violent Nature that was getting positive reviews from film critics worldwide. Since i love a really brutal horror movie of course this sounded like something in my taste. Is this a horror film we all should watch this autumn or is it just as terrible as the 2015 film Beverly Hills Christmas with Dean Cain ?

The corpse of a dead man called Johnny ( Ry Barrett ) rise from the ground. Enraged, he begin searching for a locket that means a lot to him personally. On his way while he searches for the locket he will kill anyone who crosses his path.

I might as well be honest and say this is the kind of horror film that you will either enjoy or hate, because it is definetely not a horror film everyone will appreciate. Especially if you don´t like movies where there is a lot of walking scenes and there is plenty of that in this film. Of course there is a good reason to why we have these walking scenes but i would imagine that if you hate watching a film where one person walks a lot this is definetely not for you. However, if you do love really brutal kills, a killer that almost looks like a different version of Jason Voorhees and not too much dialogue i have a feeling this is something you might actually appreciate. The best part about this film for me personally is the most brutal kills and they have actually done a really good job with the practical make up effects for the killing scenes. The brutality in certain scenes surprised me in a positive way. Without giving too much away i will say that the Yoga girl killing is definetely one of the highlight scenes, that´s how you finish of a true Smokie fan ( i am sorry to say they still tour here in Sweden, don´t ask me why ). Without talking too much about the acting let´s focus on the main character Johnny for a moment. Even if actor Ry Barrett doesn´t do any dialogue he manage to express a lot of anger through body language and some facial expressions as well. The practical make up effects on Johnny actually looks like a different version of Jason Voorhees, or someone similar to him i would say. I don´t know if this film is inspired by the Friday The 13th franchise but you can clearly see some scenes may be inspired in some ways by the iconic horror character from the 80´s. I do like the mask design it really matches well with the character. The negative is probably that some of the walking scenes feel a bit too long. Not that all of these scenes are bad but at certain moments i do feel a little bit bored. If you love slasher films and very brutal horror films then this would most likely be something you would appreciate. Director Chris Nash deliver a slasher horror film that may not be original but he does do a good job bringing back a more brutal approach than we are used to see. In A Violent Nature shows us how you celebrate a weekend in the forest, and to be honest i wouldn´t mind some axe throwing. Who knows i might find some fresh flesh for dinner?

Rating: DDD

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