söndag 15 september 2024

October Will Be Slightly Different!

Greetings everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the cozy month of September before the real cold arrives. Enjoy your fresh brewed coffee or cup of tea in the sofa while watching films. No matter if you watch movies on streaming or physical copies this id a great month to check out titles you have not seen. 

For all my readers worldwide I have decided to do something different in October than I usually do. I have decided that I will only review horror films in the whole month of October to prepare everyone for Halloween weekend across the world. The only thing I will try to do is review not too many similar horror movies and mix it up a bit. From different directors and who knows, maybe a foreign horror film as well just to spice it up. If you perhaps were hoping i would review an autumn Hallmark Channel film i can tell you right now that is out of the question. October will be filled with blood, guts, crazy people, even perhaps creatures or vampires. 

Hopefully you all look forward to see what horror films I choose to review in October and i hope you will find a review that you are interested in. I still have some reviews left for the month of September to publish before the month ends but I thought this would be a nice surprise especially to fans of the horror community. Enjoy the rest of September and remember  there is never too much blood all over the wall, there is room for more. 

Cheers from Daniel

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