måndag 24 juni 2024

Daniel´s B Movie Summer Madness: Realm Of The Unknown ( 2022 )

A summer in Sweden, is there anything more greater than that? You get as many mosquitos as you want, you get drunk older people wandering around with ice cream not knowing where they are ( after they had their traditional Swedish Midsummer party ) and we spend several days picking blueberrys in the forest even if we can´t find any. All of this is a part of how a Swedish summer should be like since here in Sweden we like to keep our traditions. And one very important detail is that in almost every Swedish home you have a framed picture of actor Johannes Brost, because no one is more legendary here than his character Torbjörn " Joker" Jonasson from the TV series Rederiet. In fact if you meet a swede in another country, all you have to do is say the name Johannes Brost and i guarantee they will most likely be so impressed that they will never leave you alone. All of this is definetely a sign how summer is here in Sweden and i should know, in my 46 years i have seen it all here in this beautiful country. A detail that´s important for me personally is that every summer i like to pick out B movies and watch films i have not seen so far. When i mention the title B movies i am specifically talking about independent films in different categories, mostly low budget horror films that you can find a lot of titles of. I try to pick films i have never heard of and just give the films a chance, just in case i might actually enjoy some of them. For example one of the films i did enjoy is the 2019 low budget horror film Door In The Woods from director Billy Chase Goforth that tells the story of a family who goes out into the forest and find a door standing out in nowhere with chains. Since they need a new door in their house they bring the door home to fix it up and make sure it fits. What they don´t know is that once you open this door you let something evil out. Pretty interesting idea for a horror film and i think Door In The Woods managed to bring something different than we are used to see when it comes to entity horror releases. Even if you can tell the budget is limited i still feel they managed to make a solid horror film with the resources that they had. Worth checking if you are into entity horror films. Speaking of summer B movies i felt that it was time to pick a new choice for this summer as well, and i decided to pick an anthology horror film called Realm Of The Unknown that can be found on the YouTube channel Watch Movies Now! ( i will leave a link later to the film ). Is this a good anthology horror film or is it just about as exciting as Kenny G´s latest album Innocence that sounds exactly the same as all of his previous albums ?

6 stories told by different directors where each story bring up personal stories from different people, in many differnet scenarios and environment.

Since i have seen a lot of anthology horror movies over the years it is easy to remember the ones that are actually good, while the ones that are not very interesting becomes very easy to forget. When it comes to Realm Of The Unknown this is sort of a mixed bag for me and there is especially one big problem that can be found in several stories, and that is the odd sound mixing that for some reason seems to be included even though it doesn´t come of as natural. What do i mean? Well in several scenes there is a strange background sound that just keeps floating along for no reason and it sounds strange when the actors deliver their dialogue. I don´t know of this was meant to be this way to make the film stand out for trying a different approach with mixing sound for the film, but i have to say it doesn´t really help the film in any way. Since this is supposed to be a horror film i think most horror fans would agree that great sound effects for a horror film is very important. You want to capture the right atmosphere and the scary moments in the film to make the story feel more effective. And this is where the film is damaged a bit thanks to the odd sound mixing because it definetely doesn´t give each story the same impact it might have given the audience if the sound mixing was well crafted. Let´s get to the best stories in this anthology horror and let us begin with Laughing Out Loud from director Daniel Clements. Actress Peri Greig actually does a fun performance as the very annoying cell phone woman. The irony of this short story is that her loud mouth gets what she deserves towards the end ( without revealing anything ). The colorful and bizarre segment called Teeth And Pills from director Andrea Vinciguerra is definetely a very different story than we are used to see. The less good short stories for me personally is Thrill Kill and the story Dolly. I do think there is an interesting idea regarding the story Dolly i just feel it ended too predictable. In general this is an anthology horror film that have some interesting stories but with such horrible sound mixing as we get in Realm Of The Unknown i feel this makes me loose interest in this film. Not a terrible film but the sound mixing should have been fixed properly before the film was released. A lesson learned film makers, do not repeat the same mistake as Realm Of The Unknown.

Rating: DD

You can watch the film on the YouTube channel Watch Movies Now!, just copy the following link and paste it to your web searcher:


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