torsdag 20 juni 2024

Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey 2

As a child your imagination is endless. We can imagine seeing another world where anything seems possible and there might be things there that could never exist in an ordinary world. I believe it is a good thing that childen use their imagination no matter if they get it from books, children comics or children movies. Back in the 80´s i used to dream myself away to the children movie The NeverEnding Story and pretend i was the child warrior character Atreyu ( played by actor Noah Hathaway ) after rewatching the film constantly on VHS. I used to run in the forest with 2 of my best friends as we played different characters from The NeverEnding Story and i remember i had the official movie poster as well in my room as well. The NeverEnding Story really showed how you can make a film filled with fantasy almost told as a fairytale straight from a book ( and there is a book that this film is based on, The NeverEnding Story by author Michael Ende ). I actually rewatched this film earlier this year and even if you can tell this film was made in the 80´s i still think it´s a great entertaining family film and have some really enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters from a book there are some classic children books that still lives on today such as Winnie-the-Pooh from English author A.A. Milne. I remember that around early 1983 at the age of 6 years old i would look into Winnie-the-Pooh books at our local library while i visited there with my mother. These books would not last very long since i discovered The Incredible Hulk instead in comic books, as well as the wonderful 70´s TV series with legendary actor Lou Ferringo as The Hulk on TV. Anyway, since the license for Winnie-the-Pooh became public they decided to make a slasher horror film called Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey last year. It turned out to be a massive success. On a budget of 100.000 dollars it made over 5 million dollars at the box office. So of course we shouldn´t be surprised that we have a sequel here. The first film wasn´t good, i just enjoyed some smaller details but in general this film had many issues. So of course i had to watch this latest sequel to see if it actually is better than the first film. Is this a sequel everone should see this summer or does Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey 2 deserve to burn in a fire for all eternity?

Deep withing the 100-Acre-Wood, a destructive rage grows as Winnie-the-Pooh ( Ryan Oliva ), Piglet ( Eddie MacKnzie ), Owl ( Marcus Massey ) and Tigger ( Lewis Santer ) find their home and their lives endangered after Christopher Robin ( Scott Chambers ) revealed their existence. Not wanting to live in the shadows any longer, the group decides to take the fight to the town of Ashdown, home of Christopher Robin, leaving a bloody trail of death and mayhem in their wake,

I can honestly say that this sequel have done several things right compared to the first film. You have much better looking costume designs on these creatures, you have even more practical effects on the killings in this film and you also have a more fun slasher tone this time around. This is the kind of slasher B movie you already know will include terrible acting and a plot that doesn´t need to be too deep. Since i am a well known B movie lover by most people by now this is the kind of film for me. I know that there are people out there who hate films such as this and that´s ok, everyone can´t have a good film taste just like myself. So let´s talk about the positive first regarding Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey 2. I feel that the make up effects on this film is much more effective than the first film. Not only does Winnie look more creepy, but i especially enjoy the design of his creature friend Owl who looks like a bird version of Anjelica Huston´s character The Grand High Witch in the 1990 film The Witches. I wouldn´t say the practical make up effects are anywhere near as good as in the film The Witches, but i wonder if they might have been inspired by this film while making the character Owl. Actress Nicola Wright ( who i love in the independent horror film The Curse Of Humpty Dumpty ) deliver another lovely performance in this film as her character Daphne. I actually would have liked her character to be a bigger part of this film since i feel that Nicola have such a natural screen presence. I do enjoy the performance of actress Tallulah Evans as the character Lexy, she is just so charming and feels like a great match for her character. Lovely to see legendary actor Simon Callow in this film, who i am pretty sure you all remember from the 90´s hit film Four Weddings And A Funeral. The gore effects are much more fun in this film and it becomes quite brutal in some scenes. So what´s the negative? Even if the film does work better than the first film i feel that the main character Christopher Robin played by actor Scott Chambers is not as effective as he should be. After all the whole film surrounds itself around him and his story and Scott doesn´t do enough to make his main character interesting. Hes not bad it just feels like he would have needed to give his character more energy. Other than that i just take Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey 2 for what this film is, a slasher film that wasn´t meant to win any awards but entertain B movie lovers just like myself. Director Rhys Frake-Waterfield have clearly become a better director with this sequel and have actually made an effort to make a better looking horror film. There are flaws of course but i still feel he proved that if you actually try harder making improvements you will get a more positive result. If you just want a simple slasher film with brutal kills and pratical effects, you will probably enjoy this film for your Afternoon Tea. Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey 2 may not change the world in any way but it does bring lots of blood and body parts, that´s good enough for me.

Rating: DDD

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