lördag 8 juni 2024

Realm Of Shadows

In most films you have one story to tell, the basic plot that will go through all the way to the end. When it comes to anthology films it is a complete different story since you are trying to tell different stories within the same film. To be able to do this and make it work you have to try and make each story interesting and feel connected to the film itself. I have seen a lot of anthology films and especially in the horror category and there are several films i could easily recommend. Let us dig into two of the horror anthology films i feel you should pick up on DVD if you are able to and that is the 2015 films known as Southbound and the other one is called Tales Of Halloween. Both films are directed by several talented directors and both films tell very different stories. The most interesting film of these titles is in my opinion the film Southbound. This film takes place mostly along dusty highways and a smaller town, where each story have a connection to the main plot. There is some great looking practical effects done in one of these segments, i am not going to tell you which one just to make you more curious about the film. Interesting fact is that the segment The Accident is directed by David Bruckner who i am pretty sure a lot of horror fans recognize. He is the director of the Netlfix horror film The Ritual and the Hellraiser remake from 2022 ( a film that i actually enjoyed and wrote a positive review in this blog ). You might also recognize the name Roxanne Bennjamin who directed the segment called Siren, she also directed the great horror film There´s Something Wrong With The Children ( another film i wrote a positive review on this blog ). I would suggest you check out both Southbound and Tales Of Halloween wherever you can find a physical copy. Speaking of anthology horror i got an oppurtunity to sit down and watch a film called Realm Of Shadows, an anthology horror film i knew nothing about. I do enjoy to go in without knowing as little as possible, it makes the experience a bit different and exciting. Is it possible that Realm of Shadows is one of the more interesting anthology horror films in recent years or is it not as good as i was hoping it would be?

A group of stories that are connected to each other, where each story show the true meaning of how evil can affect humans and make us do horrible things, where we also can learn how to fight against evil.

Anthology films can be quite tricky to pull off unless you have some interesting stories to tell. In the case of Realm Of Shadows it´s actually the stories that´s the most interesting part of this film. Each of them have something different to offer and there is also a connection to the main plot of the film. Is every story just as interesting as other ones? I would probably say that the only segment i didn´t feel just as much connected with is a story called Hike. Thankfully we have great segments such as The Intiation of Professor Kimmer which is a very interesting story regarding a college student trying to seduce a married college professor ( played well by actor Jimmy Drain ). Since we have read in newspapers of relationships happening between teachers and students, this segment shows what could happen except in this segment the student Starr ( played by actress Luca Bocian ) is trying to blackmail her college professor. The segment Meet Michael is another segment i fin interesting trying to tell a story where it seems to be an evil present in a family´s home. I also really enjoy seeing legendary actor Mel Novak as Bishop Lucian and i wish he could have had more scenes. You also have legendary actor Tony Todd in this film ( the original Candyman ), legendary actor Vernon Wells ( from the best Mad Max film in my opinion The Road Warrior ) and even actor Richard Tyson ( mostly known from the 90´s classic Kindergarten Cop ). Realm Of Shadows clearly have witchcraft as a big connection to each story and once we find out how it´s all connected we get some of the answers that may not have been clear from the beginning. Director Jimmy Drain ( who is seen in several segments in this film ) take some chances by telling unpredictable stories and add some surprises as well. Realm Of Shadows have a clear message of we must be careful against the fight against evil in all shapes and stay away from witchcraft. If you are a fan of anthology horror films this might actually be something you would enjoy. One thing is clear i will not be attending any witchcraft evenings, not after i have experienced Realm Of Shadows.

Rating: DDD

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