4 different stories told by several different directors in an anthology horror film presented by the mysterious Doom ( Christopher Kahler ) where no secrets will be hidden anymore. This is the moment each story will tell exactly what happened to different people under different circumstances.
As with most anthology horror films it is very important to be able to tell different stories and try to make each story interesting or at least fun to watch, depending on what kind of horror anthology you are making. In the case of Phil Herman´s Unearthed i would have to say this film susprised me quite a bit. I have seen other films from director Phil Herman in the past and i have to say this might be his most serious film so far. Just the fact that this film actually tries to give us characters that you remember is a good sign, since in some anthology horror films it´s easy to forget characters unless you make an effort to make us care. The first story is a perfect example called The Ties That Bind. I wouldn´t call this a horror story but rather a criminal story surrounding a missing woman. What really works in this story is the great chemistry between actors Joseph Martin Jauch as Detective Hermand and Lillian Lamour as Detective Grier. Every scene where they have dialogue together is where this segment gets more interesting as they investigate this case. This doesn´t mean the other characters in this story are bad in any way, but the screen chemistry that Detective Hermand and Detective Grier carry with them is exactly what this story needed. The next story is called Look Towards The Sky and is basically an alien abduction story and you might think this will be predictable. Actually there are a few surprising details but the best part is actually the abduction scenes. The third story called Clean House starts off like a silent movie but turns into an exorcist segment where the demon actually knock down the priest with a bible, this specific scene was actually fun to watch. The last story called Highway Rivalry is where the real horror kicks in with some brutal violence and practical make up effects as well. If i had to choose what story i didn´t feel as connected with compares to others i would say that Clean House is the segment i felt could have been stronger. The presenter of each story known as Doom is a fun performance from actor Christopher Kahler who looks like he walked out dead from a wrestling grave. Phil Herman´s Unearthed manage to tell very different stories and make this anthology horror film feel unique in the sense that the diversity among these stories are so far away from each other. I personally feel this was a really good idea for a film such as this. I also have to mention how much i appreciate the serious tone that director Phil Herman approach in this film, i would love to see him do something more similar in the future and see what he might be able to do with the right script. Phil Herman´s Unearthed is a feastful treat for true fans of the anthology horror scene and clearly show that this genre is still filled with passion for telling stories, no matter what kind of horror fan you are.
Rating: DDD
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